ReintegrateStars for Pixinsight
ReintegrateStars is a script I developed for PixInsight. The script will reintegrate non-linear stars with a non-linear starless image without the user having to use PixelMath.

Simply select your starless image, your star image, set an amount of reduction if you’d like to reduce your stars and you’re done.
You can download the script by adding the following URL to your repository list in PixInsight:
To add a repository in PixInsight & download the script, click Resources > Updates > Manage Repositories on the upper menu. When the dialogue appears, follow the following steps:
- Click Add in the lower-left corner of the open dialogue
- Copy the following link into the text box
- Click Ok, then Ok on the repository list dialogue
- On the top menu, click Resources > Updates > Check for Updates
- PixInsight will scan all available repositories & download any updates, let the process complete – follow the prompts to complete installation.
- Close PixInsight and reopen.
- ReintegrateStars is now installed & can be found at the following location:
Script > Utilities > ReintegrateStars - Enjoy!
Please Note:
If you receive an invalid signature error, you may be using an outdated PixInsight version, either visit the PI website and install the latest version, or see below for further instructions. Please note; all core PixInsight versions must be installed manually. PixInsight will not prompt you to update core versions on start-up.
Also Note:
My dev signature was integrated in PixInsight 1.8.9-2 Build 1579, so attempting to add the repository on prior versions will display an error indicating the repository signature is invalid. The signature is valid, it’s just not recognised by builds pre 1579.
Because some users are unable to update PixInsight due to hardware constraints, I have created an unsigned legacy repository. Follow the same steps as above, but substitute the URL for the following:
PixInsight will display a warning about the repository not having a signature, but this warning can be ignored.
If you have any issues please do contact me.